The Copy Cataloging Unit consists of three staff, and a number of student assistants.The unit is primarily responsible for copy cataloging of library materials in a variety of formats and in most languages for many of the Libraries’ larger on-campus collections. These include the collections housed at the Architecture and Fine Arts Library, Marston Science Library, Health Sciences Center Library, Education Library, and Library West. The unit handles the physical processing of most of the outgoing material from the department. It also participates in special projects with other units at the departmental, divisional, and library levels. In recent years the unit has worked closely with the Acquisitions and Collections Services Department to develop a number of innovative steps that help to ensure the quality of bibliographic records received from the WorldCat Cataloging Partners service and increase the throughput time for shelf-ready, domestic firm, and approval material.
Copy Cataloging Unit Staff
Library Associate 2, Head, Copy Cataloging Unit
Sam Fraleigh, MLIS
As the Copy Cataloging Unit Head, Sam oversees monographic copy cataloging of most items for collections at Library West, LACC, AFA, the Marston Science Library and the Education Library, including high-priority “RUSH” items. He supervises the department’s student employees and their projects, and the physical processing of most outgoing materials. He helps coordinate quality control efforts, including processing shelf-ready problem reports for review by the unit. Sam contributes original and copy cataloging of books, videos, music scores and other formats. He earned an MLIS from the University of South Florida in 2019. Room 400, Phone 352-273-2716
Library Associate 1
Satoko Someya
Sato contributes records for all levels and most formats of monographic copy. She reviews problem reports for shelf-ready materials and handles virtual bookplate and “RUSH” requests. She catalogs most of the Chinese-Japanese-Korean (CJK) materials and many of the music scores for the department. Room 405, Phone 352-273-2667
Library Assistant 3
Coco Gruver
Coco contributes records for most levels and formats of monographic copy. She reviews problems with shelf-ready materials and handles priority “RUSH” requests. She earned an MLIS from the University of South Florida in 2021. Room 400, Phone 352-273-2832
General contact:
Sam Fraleigh
Head, Copy Cataloging Unit
George A. Smathers Libraries
University of Florida
P.O. Box 117004
1508 Union Road, Room 400
Gainesville, FL 32611-7004
PHONE: (352)273-2716