The Serials Cataloging Unit is responsible for all serials cataloging and serials maintenance for the University of Florida and the FLorida Academic REpository (FLARE). The unit consists of three staff members who catalog serials plus any materials going into FLARE that were not transferred from UF. They also oversee any problems with materials received by FLARE that do not meet their minimum cataloging requirements. Beyond UF, the unit members all contribute to the Cooperative Online Serials Program (CONSER) of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) and maintain standards set forth by the International Standard Serials Number (ISSN) International Centre, often contributing error reports, and submitting authority records to the Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) Name Authority File (NAF). At UF the unit is heavily involved with the cataloging of serials, particularly newspapers, which are being digitized by the Digital Support Services (DSS) Department.
Serials Cataloging Unit Staff
Senior Library Technical Assistant
Michael Todd Chisholm
Todd is responsible for check-in and processing of all incoming serials to UF that are printed annually or more often. He catalogs more frequently published serials when the need arises and handles the linking of analytics for UF and FLARE. He contributes some original records for CONSER, particularly UF publications and graphic novels, and undertakes special projects on a regular basis. ILF Room 103, Phone 352-273-2713
Library Associate 1
Angela Gaines, MLIS
Angela is responsible for the cataloging of serials materials entering the FLARE collection. She also helps with various record and/or metadata clean-up projects as they arise. She earned her Masters in Library and Information Science from San Jose State University in 2018. When Angela isn’t cataloging, she’s home completing puzzles and starting various crafting projects.
Coordinator 2, Serials and Authorities Specialist – Unit Head, Serials
Nathan St. Croix, MSI
Nathan is responsible for overseeing the Serials Cataloging Unit and name authority work at UF, in addition to reviewing authority records for member institutions of the Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) Florida Funnel. He enjoys cataloging digitized newspapers (the older the better!) but works with other types of serials as well. His cataloging duties extend to participation on statewide committees and working on grant-funded projects where serials and/or authorities expertise is needed. He obtained an MS in Information with a Certificate for Information Leadership and Management from Florida State University in 2017. ILF Room 104, Phone 352-273-2621
Library Associate 1
Ellie Townsend
Ellie has been with the Resource Description Services Department since October 2022. She moved to the Serials Cataloging Unit in October 2023 after spending a year with the Copy Cataloging Unit. She is responsible for the creation, maintenance, and editing of various bibliographic, holding, and item records for serials to be entered into the UF and FLARE collections. She routinely performs maintenance on monographic records for UF’s Named Collections, and occasionally derives electronic records for digitized materials. Ellie is also a member of the Smathers Libraries' Winter Celebration Committee. She first came to the Libraries in May 2022 as a project assistant for the CLIR “Film on a Boat” grant project in Conservation and Preservation. Interim Library Facility 103 (352) 273-2514
General contact:
Nathan St.Croix
Head, Serials Cataloging Unit
George A. Smathers Libraries
University of Florida
Interim Library Facility
4040 NE 49th Ave
Gainesville, FL 32609
PHONE: (352) 273-2621