Responsibilities by Staff Members

Unsure where to send a problem? Contact the Catalog Problems e-mail box at

Please consult the list below to determine which staff to contact in the Resource Description Services Department to address particular problems or issues.

Affiliate Libraries: Greg Allen

Authorities: Nathan St. Croix, University of Florida NACO Coordinator

  • Ex: You find a cross-reference in the catalog that leads nowhere; you find records for works by J.D. Salinger under Salinger, J.D. … and under Salinger, Jerome David … in the library catalog.

FLARE TransfersCatalog Problems

Government Documents records:  Jody Hewitt

  • Ex.: The year is wrong in the record.
  • Ex.: I can’t find the print record for this government document

Health Science Center Library cataloging: Greg Allen

Miscataloged materials and other cataloging related issues: Catalog Problems

  • Ex: All the other volumes in this series are classed together, but this one’s classed separately.
  • Ex.: The Alma record for a book has no subject headings at all.
  • Ex.: A book has been given a QA call number, but you’re sure it should be QC.

OCLC Updates/Withdrawals: Sam Fraleigh

  • Ex.: Your branch has withdrawn several books. Forward lists of withdrawn materials to Sam Fraleigh in the Copy Cataloging Unit so that unit members can update UF’s holdings in OCLC and respond.

Serials Added Volumes:

Serial title changes: Nathan St. Croix

New materials (not yet cataloged; not gifts): Catalog Problems

  • Ex: You find a book in someone’s office that is owned by the library but is uncataloged or you decide an uncataloged foreign document should be cataloged.

Post-cataloging & Alma Problems: Catalog Problems

  • Ex: You have a book to be withdrawn, transferred, or reclassified from Dewey to LC; you have a book with an unlinked item record.
  • Ex.: There is a typo in the title on Alma.
  • Ex.: You can’t find the record for a cataloged book on Alma.

Processing & Labeling Problems: Sam Fraleigh

  • Ex.: You find a book whose label has fallen off.
  • Ex.: The book belongs in LAC, but does not have a + above the call number.

Rush Requests: Sam Fraleigh

  • Ex: A patron asks you about the Rush Request he turned in previously.

UFDC Records: Xiaoli Ma

  • Ex: The date of the interview is wrong; I need to ask someone to correct it. 
  • Ex: I was told I can find this newspaper on UFDC, but I cannot. Can someone help me? 

Have a question for someone in the Acquisitions & Collections Services DepartmentGovernment Documents Cataloging Unit, or the Florida Academic Repository (FLARE)? Contact information can be found on their sites.