Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC)
The University of Florida’s George A. Smathers Libraries participates in all four PCC programs, and began its PCC participation in 1975 with CONSER membership. Approximately eighteen catalogers in six units/departments within the Libraries contribute bibliographic and authority records under the BIBCO, CONSER, NACO, and SACO programs. Additionally, the Smathers Libraries is one of twenty-eight libraries partnered with the Library of Congress (LC) in the Electronic Cataloging in Publication ECIP Partnership program. ECIP partner libraries act as virtual Library of Congress cataloging sections to catalog forthcoming titles published by an affiliated university press, selected independent publishers, or in specific subject areas. We produce records in the ECIP program for University Press of Florida titles. The Libraries’ PCC liaison also acts as the NACO Florida Funnel coordinator, and currently works with eleven libraries in Florida, Alabama, and South Carolina to coordinate their NACO activities.
Annual PCC Statistics:
Note: Reports prior to FY2019 were compiled and are formatted as PDF documents, whereas current reports are formatted as EXCEL spreadsheets.